CTAHR Saves Lives!

Blood drive draws generous donors

  • 26 November 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3821
CTAHR Saves Lives!

The Blood Bank of Hawaii and the CTAHR Ambassadors offer their heartfelt thanks to the donors and supporters who helped make the latest blood drive a success! It drew 71 registered donors, from whom 46 units of blood were collected. Since each unit of blood can be divided into three different components, CTAHR folks have potentially touched the lives of up to 138 patients!

A special congratulations to the Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering for receiving the most votes from the donors for the second blood drive in a row! They received a FREE Thanksgiving feast courtesy of the CTAHR Academic and Student Affairs Office. In addition, they will be receiving a trophy signifying their MVP status until the next CTAHR blood drive, to be displayed in the MBBE office.

If you donate at any other time throughout the year and would like to dedicate your donation to CTAHR, simply provide the CTAHR Group Code upon check-in: 1875.


