What About the Children?

  • 22 February 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 8177
What About the Children?

Sothy Eng (FCS )looks into a possible contributing factor to a big problem in Cambodia at the Center on the Family’s second Brown Bag Seminar of the spring semester, “Parenting Practices and Child Well-Being in Remarried/Repartnered Families in Cambodia.”

  • Date: Friday, February 22
  • Time: noon–1 p.m.
  • Location: Miller Hall 2 

As he explains, there are high rates of child mortality in Cambodia. One possible contributor to this is the heightened domestic violence associated with second marriages or partnerships of divorced women. 

There is a social stigma associated with divorce in Cambodia, Sothy notes, which creates pressure for women to enter into new relationships. However, when they do, they tend to be emotionally and physically abused by their husbands. And while there is evidence showing that remarried women are at increased risk of domestic violence, little is known about how children’s well-being or their parents’ parenting practices are impacted by remarriages or repartnerships among Cambodian women. This study seeks to address that gap by examining the reported number of deceased children across three marital groups: first-time married, divorced, and remarried/repartnered. 

Sothy is an assistant professor in Human Development and Family Studies. His areas of interest include educational access and equity in Cambodia, family and community development, remarriage, gender-based violence, program evaluation, social capital, and international development.

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