Dean’s Message Packed With Information

Plus songs to keep your spirits up

  • 27 March 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4355
Dean’s Message Packed With Information

Dean Nick Comerford offered the good, the bad, and the neutral in terms of recent COVID-19 news affecting CTAHR:

Bad News

  • There’s a hiring freeze on all permanent faculty and staff positions with appropriated funds, but it does not pertain to new hires who have accepted a letter of offer prior to March 25, 2020.
  • Special Salary Adjustments and Compensation Adjustments for the rest of this fiscal year and the next fiscal year will be postponed.
  • The freeze on all out-of-state travel continues.
  • All discretionary expenditures should be deferred if possible.

Good News

  • Reports from faculty and students on the first week of going 100% online for the first time ever show that it was a success!
  • Letters are going out to essential workers confirming their status if they’re stopped while traveling to and from work. Please note that they are to be used only for that purpose.
  • Thanks to the miracle-working capabilities of Adrienne Lee and the cooperation of the campus, the ag techs were able to get UHM ID cards by distance instead of having to get them in person. This will be helpful if they’re stopped going to and from work and for other purposes.

Neutral News

  • Buildings, or individual floors of buildings, will be evaluated for shutdown. Anyone who sees any problems affecting research with proposed shutdowns should let the deans know immediately.
  • Those who are working from home should sign out on the leave page for the COVID-19 reason. It does not affect sick or annual leave but is needed for documentation for reporting to the Legislature.
  • Anyone who CAN work from home MUST work from home.

He also offered a gentle and comforting song by Simon and Garfunkel, plus a special bonus song for online instructors!


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