Plant the Seeds of Plant Pathology Outreach
Big Island Extension position is now open
CTAHR is now accepting applications for the position of assistant Extension specialist, in the Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences. The position will be based in Hilo. This full-time, permanent, tenure-track position will begin August 2020 or soon thereafter
Successful candidates will be responsible for developing integrated and sustainable plant disease management in both agricultural (edible and ornamental crops) and forest ecosystems in Hawai‘i.
Possible areas of applied research include developing sustainable strategies to manage pathogens, like the one that causes taro leaf blight (pictured); collaborating with plant breeders to develop cultivars with resistance to pathogens; studying the impact of global climate variability on susceptibility of plants or range of pathogens; and investigating the relation between soil health, microbial communities, or soil food webs.
They will build a nationally recognized research program in integrated plant disease management and foster a renowned graduate program by supervising and mentoring Tropical Plant Pathology (TPP) graduate students.
A Master’s degree in Plant Pathology or related field plus additional graduate study is required. Find out more about the position and required qualifications here.
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