Vet Humor

Alumnus publishes veterinary joke book

  • 14 February 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 6683
Vet Humor

Love animals and need a laugh? Tyler Primavera, an ANSC major who graduated from CTAHR a few years ago, has published a book of jokes about animals and vet school. Tyler, originally from Kailua, is now a veterinary student in Italy and is showing that the serious business of learning to be a veterinarian doesn’t have to be so serious after all!

The Amazon page for Vet School Jokes, his collection of animal and medical puns, enquires, “Are you going mad confusing hypertrophic osteopathy with hypertrophic osteodystrophy? Are you or your loved one in a professional school that rhymes with ‘debt’? This book is sure to entertain those with a love for animals, biology, and of course, bad puns. Like, reaaaaally bad puns. Like so BAAAAD they will make EWE want to RAM your head against a wall and call a LAMB-ulance! Sure to innervate your zygomaticus (or at least your dorsal recti muscles).” If you know what he’s talking about, this is probably the book for you!

Tyler would also like to thank the people who encouraged his veterinary jokes over the years, many from CTAHR: Mary Beth, Lauren Haire, Jerrisa Ching, Andrew Haro, Kimberly Ann, Ellen Olson, Douglas Vincent, Jenee Odani, Krystle Ito, Logan Nicole McAllister, Rebekah Morales, Riene O-Walsh, Lyndsey Helgeson, Haley Kate, and Halina Zaleski.

