Resilience in the Face of Change

Zoom in for an online presentation about adaptation to climate hazards

  • 17 March 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3967
Resilience in the Face of Change

Here’s a seminar you can still attend: it’s online! Join in on Wednesday, March 25,from 3:30 to 4:20 pmfor the latest installment of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management seminar series! Dr. Daniel Nohrstedt of Uppsala University, Sweden, will present “Community Resilience: City Adaptations to Climate-Related Hazards.” Join in via Zoom here. Call in at +1 669 900 6833 US; Meeting ID: 294 386 624. 

Dr Nohrstedt is the principal investigator of the research project TRAMPOLINE, which explores the transformative potential of extreme weather events. He will discuss city-level adaptation actions as one of the most important approaches for building community resilience to climate hazards (e.g., floods, heat waves, or wildfires). 

By merging a global dataset of over 6,000 hazard events and nearly 5,000 city-level adaptation actions, he investigates the relationship between exposure to hazards and climate-adaptation actions. Specifically, he will discuss hazard exposure as a potential driver of cities’ decisions to engage in adaptive action and control for income levels. The findings from this study can help inform strategies for proactively facilitating city-level adaptive actions to a range of climate-related hazards.

Categories: NREM