CTAHR Day, Every Day

Campus outreach event invites UH, high school students, and the community to learn more about the college

  • 14 February 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 9718
CTAHR Day, Every Day

What do edible flowers, newspaper dresses, a jar full of snakes, and a giant scary costume of a coconut rhinoceros beetle have in common? The first annual CTAHR Day, presented by the Academic & Student Affairs Office, showed how they are all related to CTAHR’s community Extension and research.

CTAHR is one of the most diverse colleges in the UH system, but many students and community members outside the college are unaware of the extent of its programs. CTAHR Day aimed to change all that. With booths representing every department, from Fashion Design and Merchandising to Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, attendees could choose from a variety of interactive activities.

The event was especially focused on reaching high school students. As Mandy Chen, from ASAO, explained, “They are at the stage in their lives where they’re thinking about life after high school, and we want them to explore CTAHR as an option.” Adults were also welcome, and ASAO hoped they could become more informed consumers and would be encouraged to “live more sustainably, buy local, and support small businesses.” Worthy goals, and a highly successful event!
