Be Prepared in the Event of Labs Closing

  • 21 March 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4117
Be Prepared in the Event of Labs Closing

While as of this writing the UH has not ordered laboratories to be closed, it’s always helpful to know how to prepare in the case of such a directive. To that end, researchers will find the attached “Laboratory Ramp-Down Checklist” invaluable. It was developed to help prepare laboratories in the event of a mandatory shut down at UH and assist researchers to develop a plan to protect research equipment and materials as well as to prevent hazardous conditions.

Items start with identifying all non-critical activities that can be ramped down, curtailed, suspended, or delayed and figuring out which personnel are able to safely perform essential activities. Labs should create a contact list, including all lab personnel, principal investigator, lab administrative director, research operations manager, and building manager, to make sure communication can continue unimpeded.

Labs are warmed not order any new research materials except those items needed to support minimal critical functions, and to cancel orders for non-essential research materials if they have not yet shipped.

Very importantly, those researching with animals should consult with AVS about current animal care recommendations, since these animals must be cared for.

There’s a lot more to do, so read about it in the form, which was updated 3/19/2020. Again, laboratories are not directed to close at this time, but stay informed about future developments

Documents to download

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