Work From Home if at All Possible

Provost and Vice Chancellor stress that this is “not voluntary”

  • 26 March 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4233
Work From Home if at All Possible

UHM Provost Michael Bruno and Interim Vice Chancellor French have issued a directive that if units still haven’t transitioned to working at home to the extent that they possibly can, “this needs to happen now.”

They used strong wording: “In accordance with the order, we are asking that you align your operations to ensure that employees work from home to the maximum extent possible. This is not a voluntary change in how we conduct our work. There are very few exceptions that would indicate an employee cannot work from home.”

Even if people can’t complete all of their usual work, they say, “We ask that supervisors be creative in working with their employees regarding duties that can be accomplished from home. As some employees may experience a drop in their regular workload, this is a good time for special projects, for example researching the latest applicable trends/principles/practices, and developing new collaborations.”

The directive includes important protocols for campus facilities, here, predicated on the idea that as few workers as possible will be on campus.

So if you’re not already working from home, find out now if you can!

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