The Pumpkin Queen

PEPS students up their game for jack ʻo lantern contest

The Pumpkin Queen

by Mililani Isaacs

The entries for the 2023 PEPS Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest get better every year – and the two-point difference between 1st and 2nd place, and 1-5 point differences between 3rd through 6th places – speak volumes!

Thank you to all those who took time out of your busy schedules to submit these creative masterpieces, and to those who came to enjoy their efforts and vote!

Congratulations! The 2023 Winners of the PEPS Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest are ...(wait for it)...

  1. 1st Place: Ali Miarkiani (Wright lab)
  2. 2nd Place: Ariel Imoto & Jordie Ho (Melzer lab)
  3. 3rd Place: Kira Tobita (Wang lab)

Thank you again for your participation and time, and may next year be even more competitive...
