The Bee’s Knees

  • 7 June 2017
  • Author: OCS
  • Number of views: 14606
The Bee’s Knees

6/7/2017  Source: Office of Communication Services, CTAHR

Scott Nikaido (PEPS) is featured in a UH News story about the importance of pollinators to Hawai‘i crops and the things people in the community can do to support pollinator health. It’s best to use fewer insecticides, Scott explains, and to plant more pollinator-friendly plants. It’s also helpful for beekeepers when people buy their locally produced honey. In fact, honey production in Hawai’i is the highest in the nation, according to the USDA, so let’s keep it that way! The story also highlights the Bee Hui, a volunteer group trained by the UH Honeybee Project and based at the Urban Garden Center—check out some pictures of their work here! For more pollinator-themed activities, remember to check out the Second Saturday event hosted by the Bee Hui at the UGC this Saturday, June 10, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
