New Publications

  • 24 October 2017
  • Author: pmso2-Kathy
  • Number of views: 7352
MANAGING A WICKED PROBLEM There’s a special collection of papers titled Scaling Up Restoration Efforts in the Pacific Islands co-edited by Melissa Price (NREM) that are published in “early view” form in the journal Pacific Science (scroll down). The collection features five articles co-authored by current and former NREM faculty including Clay Trauernicht, Creighton Litton, Kirsten Oleson, and Chris Lepczyk, who’s now at Auburn University. Current NREM students and alumni represented include Matt Lucas, Julia Rowe, Lisa Ellsworth, and Selita Ammondt. The papers’ subjects range from the economics of dry forest restoration to the impact of endangered seabirds on nutrient cycling and the problems of nonnative ungulates. The collection comprises “a call for clear management objectives, targeted research to minimize uncertainty, and innovative solutions to a wicked problem,” and it’s well worth a read!
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