It’s Great to be a Teacher!

January 30th event hopes to inspire

  • 27 January 2021
  • Author: Mark Berthold
  • Number of views: 2967
It’s Great to be a Teacher!

Don’t know anything about teaching? Hadn’t before considered teaching as a career? Find out how you can become a teacher and join a movement that will make a difference for Hawaiʻi’s future generations.

On January 30, starting at 8:30 a.m., this virtual event will enable visitors to:

  • Meet with different state-approved teacher education programs (SATEP) advisors to determine which one suits you best
  • Find out about scholarships and other funding opportunities
  • Learn about the process of getting licensed by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board
  • Find out about supports and potential salary structures available when employed as a teacher. 

Register now. For questions, email coeevent@hawaii.edu. If you’d like to share why you became an educator, visit here.

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