Fashion Fellow

FDM professor is honored by international association

Fashion Fellow

The International Textile and Apparel Association has given its highest honor to Dr. Andy Reilly for “outstanding contributions to the textile and apparel discipline and for service to ITAA.” The lifelong designation also includes membership in the ITAA’s Legacy Group.

Andy, a professor in the Fashion Design & Merchandising program of the Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences, was granted the honor for “teaching excellence, professional development, significant research contributions, scope and breadth of professional presentations, exceptional ITAA service, and significant contribution to the field of textiles and clothing.”

He previously served the ITAA as conference co-chair, vice president for scholarship, and most recently as president of the Textile and Apparel Programs Accrediting Commission, an accreditation organization created by ITAA.

“I am humble to be a receive this award,” Andy says. “I had no idea how much ITAA would change my life when I joined as a graduate student.”

Read more here.

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