got Internship?

Students can learn, intern and get PAID at Lyon Arboretum this summer

got Internship?

Undergrads, Grads, PhD candidates – lend me your ears! Lyon Arboretum comes to bury seeds, not waste them.

Tucked away in the far reaches of Mānoa Valley, this UH research unit and public botanical garden has more than seven miles of hiking trails thru more than 6,000 taxa of tropical and sub-tropical plants on nearly 200 acres. If you’ve never been here, well, you don’t know what you’re missing.

CTAHR students can spend their Summer 2021 in PAID internships that Lyon is offering – but if you’re interested, do NOT wait until summer to apply. The internships are with the Horticulture Dept., Micropropagation Lab, Seed Conservation Lab, and the Grounds and Collections Dept. Also, Lyon is offering paid internships in trail building.

Specific information is spread across two webpages, Summer Internship Program and Trail Building Internships. For questions, contact Raedelle Van Fossen.

Categories: CTAHR Home Page