Eddo eo amem ej ñan leļọk aolep katakin ko ejej uwaer ñan bõk jeļãļọkjeṇ, kappok meļeļe, im kõļapļọk jeļãļọkjeṇ ilo kilen ekkat atake im tããp menin mour ilo aelõñ ko eļap aer det (tropical agriculture), menin jeraaṃṃan ko jãn menin kõṃanṃan ko (natural resources), im ãjmour an armej (human well-being) ilo jukjukunpãd ko pelaakid im ko pelaakin laļ in.
Our responsibility is to provide exceptional transdisciplinary education, research, and extension in tropical agriculture, natural resources, and human well-being to local and global communities.
Juon jukjukunpãd eo ejeļãļọkjeṇ, armej ro ie reãjmour, im wãween kõjparok bwe en bwe ṃõñã kiõ im tokãlik im kõjparok lọjet, ãne im mejatoto eo bwe en waemourur wõt ej kõkajoorļọk ãjmour im wõnṃaanļọk ko ikijjeen kõṃṃan jããn im menin jeraaṃṃan ko ñan armej in Hawai‘i.
An educated community, healthy population, and sustainable food system and environment strengthens the wellbeing and economic development of the people of Hawai‘i.
Leļọk Jerbal in Jipañ ilo Bõrokuk im Ippãn Doon
- ej ṃweñan eo in an College in Tropical Agriculture im Human Resources eo an UH Mānoa me rej diwõjļọk im leļọk meļeļe im jipañ ñan ro jet.
- kwaļọk kõn wãween ko jemaroñ katak kaki jãn science ñan anõki im jerbali ñan jipañ im rejetak wãween kõjparok im kõṃṃan ṃõñã, mour in ãjmour, rũttoļọk im eddõkļọk an jodikdik, im bõk eddoin kõjparok menin jeraaṃṃan ko jãn menin kõṃanṃan ko ñan epepen ko ilju im jeklaj.
- leļọk katak ko ilo wãween ko jet ejjab ilowaan kilaaj ko ilo jikuuļ ñan bõk jeļãļọkjeṇ ko kõn science ñan kõkṃanṃanļọk mour im kabwe aikuj ko an mour ñan ro rej atake im tããp menin mour, armej ro, im baaṃle ko ilo Hawai‘i.
- is the outreach component of UH Mānoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.
- extends practical applications of science to support local food systems, healthy living, youth development, and stewardship of natural resources for future generations.
- provides non-formal science-based education to enrich the lives and livelihood of farmers, consumers, and families in Hawai‘i.