Smart Tech

Extension shows growers how to leverage devices and apps

Smart Tech

Technology is impacting industries big and small, and agriculture is no exception. But it don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing.

With many growers reporting they don’t own a computer or smart phone, while others report they have such devices but don’t know how to use them, Extension’s Amjad Ahmad organized an educational workshop for local growers on harnessing the latest technologies that impact ag. 

The workshop, initiated at the request of the Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau, East Oʻahu County, gave participants an overview of the ongoing advancements in ag technology and the need to stay current with the latest versions in order to stay current with new online offerings by various government agencies.

Amjad covered hardware, including smartphones, laptops, desktops/laptops, and third-party applications. He then moved to some new smart applications (apps) that target nutrient deficiencies, crop disease diagnostics, and other tools specific to agricultural-related issues. These apps can be quickly adapted to address in-the-field issues. He also discussed how computer software can aid growers in collecting pertinent farm information, such as farm expenses, yields, the weather, etc.

“These days, growers can access soil and disease information from the field with handheld devices and communicate those findings back to scientists at CTAHR and beyond,” says Amjad. “In agriculture, as with any other sector, the advancement of technology is making information access easier and more user friendly – if growers have access to the devices and the training to use them properly.”
