Awards…by Students and for Students

  • 14 February 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5597
Awards…by Students and for Students

CTAHR is now seeking nominations for two awards: the Ka Pouhana (Mentor) Award, which recognizes a CTAHR faculty member for their outstanding support of student learning and development through co-curricular activities, and the Ka Hana Po‘okela CTAHR Service Award, which recognizes an active member of a student organization who has made outstanding contributions to that organization or to the community through a CTAHR organization. Undergraduates and graduate students are both eligible for this award.

The attached nomination forms can be submitted, along with the required nomination letters (3 for the Ka Pouhana Award and 2 for the Ka Hana Po‘okela Award), by Tuesday, February 26, to Gilmore 124. Scanned images of the forms and digital files of the nomination letters can also be emailed to Tina Gomes at tagomes@hawaii.edu.

Pictured are Emily Teng (TPSS, left) and Jenee Odani (HNFAS, right), last year's winners of the Ka Hana Po‘okela and Ka Pouhana awards. Please consider nominating individuals for both awards! If you have any questions, just ask Tina.

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