Food for All

  • 13 June 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 8750
Food for All
Kim Carlson (NREM) was part of a delegation from Hawai‘i to the first National Food System Resilience and Equity Workshop, held at Stanford University, and was also part of the workshop steering committee. Senator Mike Gabbard was another of the Hawai‘i group, along with Albie Miles from UH West O‘ahu, who originally conceived of the workshop. Participants, including faculty, grad students, elected officials, state planners, and NGO representatives, also came from Northern and Southern California, Arizona, Ohio, Michigan, and the Chesapeake Bay area. The two-day workshop addressed issues of food sustainability, security, and resilience in the face of climate change, as well as hunger and food equity and justice in an age of increasing socioeconomic inequality. It was intended to be “outcome focused,” leading to the creation of specific goals and plans for the food systems of each region but also forging connections between the participants and their home communities. Check out additional coverage of the event from UH West O‘ahu and Stanford.