Conserving Kāhuli

Can structured decision-making save the Hawaiian Tree Snail?

Conserving Kāhuli

The Hawaiian Tree Snail is losing the battle against predation, over-collection, habitat loss, and climate change; many of their remaining populations have gone extinct in the wild. Some enclosures exist, keeping the snails safe from predators, but climate change and breeding issues persist.

On August 18, at 10:00 a.m., please join MS candidate Philip Kitamura in the Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Management for “Conservation Planning for Kāhuli (Hawaiian Tree Snails; Achatinellinae) Considering Climate Change & Genetics.”

Philip will discuss optimal strategies to combine species in enclosures in ways that maximize the likelihood of species persistence and evolutionary potential, using a structured decision-making toolbox. His proposed research will incorporate climate change projects for suitable habitat, as well as population genetics and phylogenetics, in a conservation planning framework.

“Philip is tackling a doozy – how can we save 30 species of Hawaiian tree snails with limited funding, considering climate change and genetics?” asks committee chair Melissa Price. “Join us and hear about how we can use a structured decision approach to make tough decisions in the face of uncertainty!”

Meeting ID: 823 9242 6356

Password: 5CrJmd

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