Got a Date?

No, OCS is not asking you to the movies...

  • 21 January 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4375
Got a Date?

The Office of Communication Services is updating its CTAHR CALENDAR OF EVENTS, and your kokua is appreciated: we’re asking each department, unit, program, or county office to email OCS a list of events you have planned—or will participate in with stakeholders—during the Spring 2020 school year. 

“When” and “where” are still TBD? Just give it your best guess: “late February” or “usually the second Saturday of April” will work for now.

Want to increase your event’s visibility and attendance? OCS can help market your event via CTAHR Notes, the college’s homepage, social media, TV displays, UH News, and other vehicles. In addition, OCS can report on the event after the fact with a nice write-up, including photos and video.

Please send your upcoming events to ocs@ctahr.hawaii.edu or call (808) 956-7036. Mahalo!

Categories: CTAHR NOTES