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CTAHR Alumni & Friends Town Hall

  • 27 September 2021
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 772
CTAHR Alumni & Friends Town Hall

On Wednesday, August 25th, we held our 2nd Annual CTAHR Alumni & Friends Town Hall with Dean Comerford. Participants were asked to send questions in ahead of time so the Dean, accompanied by the three Associate Deans had plenty to discuss.

Welcome back to the Kitchen!

  • 27 September 2021
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 794
Welcome back to the Kitchen!

On September 17th, FSHN Instructor Lara Hackney welcomed CTAHR Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Friends back for another season of CTAHR Cooking Shows.  This month's show was themed backyard barbeque with recipes for Black Beach Burgers, Watermelon Feta Salad, and Fresh Blueberry Galettes.

Students Stock Up at the CTAHR FoodStack Grab and Go

  • 27 September 2021
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 844
Students Stock Up at the CTAHR FoodStack Grab and Go

Over a hundred students signed up for the CTAHR FoodStack Grab & Go of fresh fruit, vegetables, canned goods, and pantry items. The event took place at Gilmore Courtyard last Sept. 16th as part of CTAHR’s Welcome Week and followed strict COVID-19 mitigation protocols.

Hawaii High School Student Recruitment Round Up

Hawaii High School Student Recruitment Round Up

This year, CTAHR ASAO had to move most of its events online, including student recruitment events. When we started the academic year, everyone thought being virtual was a temporary fix to our current situation. However, as we continued the semester and hosted more virtual events, we learned some advantages of being virtual, including reaching a larger audience in a smaller window of time. From March to May of this year, our staff and CTAHR graduate student recruiters, Michelle Au and Rebecca Barone, have presented 14 presentations for 867 prospective students from Campbell, Kalani, Keaau, Nanakuli, Pearl City, and Waipahu High School.

CTAHR Proctoring is a Success!

CTAHR Proctoring is a Success!

With the transition to online classes for this academic year, CTAHR raced to figure out a way to best assist faculty with proctoring their online exams. While most of us are familiar with using Zoom for meetings and presentations, CTAHR ASAO found that Zoom was useful for proctoring exams when used in combination with trained proctors (CTAHR Scholarship Student Recipients) to promote academic honesty.
