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Title IX's Golden Anniversary

  • 25 February 2022
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 695
Title IX's Golden Anniversary

To celebrate the Title IX 50th anniversary, the Academic and Student Affairs Office will run a campaign to increase awareness among CTAHR students, faculty, and staff of this important civil rights legislation.

CTAHR Internship Opportunities for Students!

  • 25 February 2022
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 740
CTAHR Internship Opportunities for Students!

The Academic and Student Affairs Office has started 2022 by introducing a pilot internship program! This program aims to increase student access to internships as well as opportunities for CTAHR student’s research and leadership experiences. Many students graduate college without a plan of where to go next in their careers, it is the hope that this connection of stakeholders and our CTAHR community will help to create successful employment paths for both undergraduate and graduate students. Although the program is in its first stages, there are already a team of organizations that have partnered up to offer rewarding internships.

Spring 2022 CTAHR Alumni / Student Mixer

  • 25 February 2022
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 708
Spring 2022 CTAHR Alumni / Student Mixer

On Monday, February 21st, we held another fun filled CTAHR Alumni / Student Mixer online. Twenty-four students and alumni joined in, with two tuning in from California! Participants enjoyed lively discussion in breakout rooms for considering Grad School, getting jobs, #adulting and landing internships.

Hawaii-One-Ag Consortium: Partnership Amongst UH System Schools

  • 24 February 2022
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 784
Hawaii-One-Ag Consortium: Partnership Amongst UH System Schools

For the last 18 years, a University of Hawaii consortium has successfully received the grant award from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) for an education program for Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions.

The consortium comprises the UHM College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Windward Community College, Leeward Community College, Kapiolani Community College, Kauai Community College, UH Maui College, Hawaii Community College, and UH Hilo. 

Making a Difference with Movers and Shakas

  • 27 January 2022
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 821
Making a Difference with Movers and Shakas

On Saturday, January 22nd, Hawaii Botanical Society and the CTAHR Alumni Association & Friends partnered with the Movers and Shakers program to help clean a section of the Ka Iwi coastline on the East side of Oahu. With direction from Rebecca Barone, President of the Hawaii Botanical Society, additional CTAHR-ians, and about 50 volunteers, carefully picked their way through native plants and bee habitats to remove invasive grasses, weeds, fallen debris and branches, and plastics found along the shore. Movers and Shakas runs place-based immersion programs designed to attract, integrate and retain key talent, especially returning kamaʻāina, to learn, contribute and connect in Hawaiʻi.  The coastline clean-up  activity helped to teach many new comers to the islands about the importance of respecting the land and all of it’s inhabitants.  Participants commented that they felt a sense of accomplishment at seeing the difference made in the area following removal of the unwanted material.  They also said that they were looking at the sand with new eyes, now noticing the small pieces of plastic that litter the beach and are so destructive to marine life.  One volunteer said she would never be able to just stroll the beach anymore without bending to pick up the trash she passes. 
