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Hawaii High School Student Recruitment Round Up
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Recruitment

Hawaii High School Student Recruitment Round Up

This year, CTAHR ASAO had to move most of its events online, including student recruitment events. When we started the academic year, everyone thought being virtual was a temporary fix to our current situation. However, as we continued the semester and hosted more virtual events, we learned some advantages of being virtual, including reaching a larger audience in a smaller window of time. From March to May of this year, our staff and CTAHR graduate student recruiters, Michelle Au and Rebecca Barone, have presented 14 presentations for 867 prospective students from Campbell, Kalani, Keaau, Nanakuli, Pearl City, and Waipahu High School.

In addition to this, CTAHR has also started to partner with the Hawaii Chapter - Future Farmers of America (FFA) through our Student Liaison, Chynna Chun, by working with the Hawaii DOE State FFA Coordinator Ken Kozuma. Chynna is currently a 2nd-year TAE student and is working with our staff to build a positive relationship between CTAHR and FFA by promoting higher education for middle and high school students interested in studying at CTAHR.

As we close out this semester, we look forward to working with our local high schools as they transition to in-classroom learning to continue building the gap between Hawaii High Schools and CTAHR and to increase the college-going rate for Hawaii high school graduates. If you would like to work with our office, please contact Carol Oshiro (tranc@hawaii.edu).

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