CTAHR Proctoring is a Success!
With the transition to online classes for this academic year, CTAHR raced to figure out a way to best assist faculty with proctoring their online exams. While most of us are familiar with using Zoom for meetings and presentations, CTAHR ASAO found that Zoom was useful for proctoring exams when used in combination with trained proctors (CTAHR Scholarship Student Recipients) to promote academic honesty. For the 2020 - 2021 academic year, CTAHR ASAO assisted faculty by proctoring their online classes, including FSHN 440, NREM/PEPS/SUST 210, HDFS 360, FDM 375, ANSC 451, and NREM 301/SUST311. For the next academic year, CTAHR ASAO will continue to offer proctoring services for faculty whose classes are designated online; feel free to reach out to Carol Oshiro (tranc@hawaii.edu) if you are interested in online proctoring.