CTAHR | Academics | ASAO


Academic & Student Affairs Office




May the synergy begin here to nurture a resilient sustainable generation in Hawai’i that spreads worldwide. (Synergy - The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.)



Developing leaders who are equipped to promote sustainable, healthier communities in Hawaii and beyond; empowered to function as global citizens; and dedicated to lifelong learning



  1. CTAHR prospective and current students use resources and take advantage of available opportunities.
  2. CTAHR prospective and current students are ready for college entry, life, career and advanced studies.
  3. CTAHR students will be able to self-assess to identify goals, interests, & challenges.


Catherine Chan

Catherine Chan
Interim Associate Dean

Office: Gilmore Hall 123
Phone: (808) 956-6997
Email: chanhalb@hawaii.edu





Mang Gwen Chan

Mang Gwen Chan
Academic Support Specialist

Office: Gilmore Hall 125
Phone: (808) 956-3093
Email: mchan2@hawaii.edu





Kayden Iwasaki

Kayden Iwasaki
Academic Advisor

Office: Gilmore Hall 101
Phone: (808) 956-6733
Email: kaydeni@hawaii.edu





Joshua King

Joshua King
Administrative and Fiscal Support Specialist

Office: Gilmore Hall 119A
Phone: (808) 956-4161
Email: jking21@hawaii.edu





Irene Morrow

Irene Morrow
Academic Advisor

Office: Gilmore Hall 102
Phone: (808) 956-6163
Email: imorrow@hawaii.edu





Carol Oshiro

Carol Oshiro
Fiscal and Recruitment Specialist
Scholarship Coordinator

Office: Gilmore Hall 117
Phone: (808) 956-8183
Email: tranc@hawaii.edu




Maile Sing

 Maile Sing

Manager of Student Services

Office: Gilmore Hall 101
Phone: (808) 956-2012
Email: msing@hawaii.edu





 Jessica Stenstrom

Academic Advisor

Office: Gilmore Hall 103
Phone: (808) 956-8809
Email: jesssten@hawaii.edu



Kellie Taguchi

Kellie Taguchi
Distance Education Coordinator

Office: Gilmore Hall 118
Phone: (808) 956-9380
Email: kmjkong@hawaii.edu




Supported by Extramural Funding


Ty Lim

 Ty Lim
Instructional Designer

Email: telim@hawaii.edu








Contact Information

      Academic & Student Affairs Office
      3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 119
      Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

      Tel: (808) 956-6997

 Email: asao1@hawaii.edu