Dietetics Track


Sports & Wellness




Food Science





Are you interested in nutrition, food, and the relationship between food and human health and fitness? Perhaps you enjoy learning about sciences? Then the Food Science & Human nutrition (FSHN) Program may be for you!

Career Possibilities

Students majoring in any of the FSHN options are prepared for diverse careers in nutrition. Your field of study can work in environments such as the food industry, health-care and fitness facilities, hospitals, nutrition education, and communication enterprises, extension education in nutrition, government of private-sector food and nutrition agencies, science related research laboratories, and science education.

FSHN Major - Options

Dietetics: Students will go through an accredited program which has been approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Plan V).

Sports: Students will augment their nutrition course work with courses in the exercise sciences.

Pre-Professional: Students will prepare for post-baccalaureate education in medicine, dentistry, nutrition, or other specific graduate programs.

Food Science: Students may follow the pre-professional nutrition science option and focus of product development and food technology OR they may follow the business track and augment their nutrition course work with courses in business.

Upon entering either the program, students will be assisted by academic advisers to identify their career objectives and select an appropriate option for study.

All FSHN majors are required to report for advising prior to registration each semester.

**Note to Transfer Students

Transfer students into FSHN are required to have a GPA of 3.0 or greater and to have taken FSHN 185 with a “B” or better and CHEM 161/161L, CHEM 162/162L, PHYL 141/141L, PHYL 142/142L and MATH 140 (or higher) with a “C” or better.

Chemistry Placement Exam- Information for those who wish to enroll in CHEM 161

Math Placement Exam- Information for those wishing to enroll in Math 140, 203, 215, 241, 251A, and Physics 151

Student Learning Outcomes for FSHN Bachelor's Program:

Upon graduation from the FSHN bachelors of science program, students will meet the following Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Know, apply and critically analyze and evaluate concepts related to the science of food and nutrition with a focus on humans.
  2. Develop written & oral skills commensurate with the ability to summarize, evaluate, synthesize, and appropriately communicate scientific concepts to a variety of audiences.
  3. Acquire personal characteristics and leadership, management, and human relations skills appropriate to professional practice in careers related to food science and human nutrition.
  4. Recognizes and uses appropriate technologies, such as computer applications and/or food and nutrition laboratory methodologies.
  5. Identifies and develops skills to gain successful admission into entry level careers or post-graduate education.
  6. Develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  7. Demonstrates participation in community service.
  8. Identifies community issues from local to global levels.

  Monica Esquivel

Coordinator, Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway
Monica Esquivel, PhD, RDN, CSSD

Phone:  808-956-8691
Fax:  808-956-4024



Program Coordinator
Dr. Maria Stewart, PhD

Phone:  (808) 956-9114
Fax:  (808) 956-4024

HNFAS Department

1955 East West Road
AgSci 216

Honolulu, HI 96822

phone: 808-956-7095

fax: 808-956-4024



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