News and Events

«March 2025»

Not Root-Knot

Not Root-Knot 2 February 2018

Not Root-Knot

Coffee farmers got the low-down on a root-knot nematode at a Kona research plot that's amassed 11 years of research data on the pest.

Forestry Find

Forestry Find 2 February 2018

Forestry Find

Check out the great new website for Hawai‘i Forestry Extension!

Aquaponics and Health

Aquaponics and Health 21 December 2017

Aquaponics and Health

CTAHR Community Coordinator Ilima Ho-Lastimosa is part of a multidisciplinary effort to address health disparities thorough backyard aquaponics.

Maui County Awardees

Maui County Awardees 21 December 2017

Maui County Awardees

Maui County Extension celebrated its 2017 award winners — Secretary Clarisse Baisa, to left in lei, for service to faculty and staff, and Research Technician Edwin Perez, at right in cap, winner of the Administrator’s Award.

Congratulations Shirley Han!

Congratulations Shirley Han! 21 December 2017

Congratulations Shirley Han!

Office Assistant Shirley Han, left, was recognized for her service to the Molokai Cooperative Extension staff at a December 2017 lunch hosted by Maui County Administrator Cynthia Reeves (in red).

Bee on Screen

Bee on Screen 14 November 2017

Bee on Screen

Videos on the life cycle of bees and apian role in the rise of flowering plants captured national entomology awards for a CTAHR-led team.

Good Breeding

Good Breeding 14 November 2017

Good Breeding

Bred under the direction of the Mealani Research Station staff, CTAHR bulls rank among the top 5% of Angus in the country and are free of a common genetic disorder.

GoFarm’s Weigert Rocks

GoFarm’s Weigert Rocks 14 November 2017

GoFarm’s Weigert Rocks

Agritourism expert and one of “five women rocking” the Hawai‘i food scene Pomai Weigert has joined GoFarm as an agbusiness consultant.

Elder Affairs Advisor

Elder Affairs Advisor 14 November 2017

Elder Affairs Advisor

Center on the Family Assistant Specialist Sarah Yuan has been re-appointed to the State’s Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs for a second four-year term.

New Kaua‘i Agent

New Kaua‘i Agent 26 October 2017

New Kaua‘i Agent

Emilie Kirk has joined the Kaua‘i County Cooperative Extension team as junior Extension agent and Master Gardener coordinator with a focus on edible crops, food safety and security, ag education and production, and leadership development.

Virus Free is Sweet

Virus Free is Sweet 23 October 2017

Virus Free is Sweet

CTAHR organized a sweetpotato growers meeting featuring mainland experts and yield-boosting virus-tested ‘Okinawan’ planting materials.

Ruminating on Peas

Ruminating on Peas 23 October 2017

Ruminating on Peas

Low-water, nitrogen-fixing, tasty cowpeas are a potential niche crop for Hawai‘i producers, as Junior Extension Agent Jensen Uyeda recently demonstrated.

Delegates to National 4-H Congress

Delegates to National 4-H Congress 28 September 2017

Delegates to National 4-H Congress

The State committee reviewed the senior portfolios, interviewed the 4-H’ers and have come up with a list of 10 delegates qualified to represent Hawaii at this year’s National 4-H Congress in late November.

Giant Success

Giant Success 28 September 2017

Giant Success

East Hawai‘i 4-H had a huge presence at the Hawai‘i County Fair—both as volunteers and producers. In fact, they set four state records for produce—including a 20+ pound kalo and 137+ and 2+ pound tomato.

Samoa Swine Survey

Samoa Swine Survey 20 September 2017

Samoa Swine Survey

CTAHR Specialist Halina Zaleski assists in American Samoa’s first swine disease survey in two decades.

Irrigation Covered

Irrigation Covered 13 September 2017

Irrigation Covered

Choosing, funding, and using irrigation systems and conservation groundcovers was the focus of a Cooperative Extension workshop for orchardists at the Kona Extension Office and Research Station.

Documents to download

  • irrigate(.jpg, 90.61 KB) - 1993 download(s)

Myanmar Mission

Myanmar Mission 13 September 2017

Myanmar Mission

Glen Fukumoto and Jonathan Deenik teamed up to teach poultry waste composting and soil fertility to Myanmar farmers and officials through a USAID–funded Farmer-to-Farmer workshop series.

Digest this…

Digest this… 13 September 2017

Digest this…

Anerobic biodigester technology has improved the quality of life for Cambodian farmers, turning animal waste to fuel and fertilizer, thanks in part to MBBE researcher Samir Khanal.

‘Ulu Day on Maui

‘Ulu Day on Maui 12 September 2017

‘Ulu Day on Maui

Maui Master Gardeners helped homeowners select appropriate trees and TPSS’s Noa Lincoln described his research on the staple food crop during the Valley Isle’s first La ‘Ulu (Breadfruit Day).

New 4-H Horse Pen

New 4-H Horse Pen 12 September 2017

New 4-H Horse Pen

Na Lima A Me Na Pu‘uwai O Kohala 4-H Club families and community sponsors celebrated their new riding pen with a horse show, barbecue and other activities.

17 April 2020

Put Your Garden to Bed

Raised-bed gardening gives you more options

Put Your Garden to Bed

What if your back yard has an ideal spot for growing vegetables—open space, sunlight, protection from excessive winds, and a source of water—but the soil isnʻt ideal, or maybe the ground is covered by concrete or another hardscape?

Creating a raised bed over the surface is a great solution. In comparison with in-ground planting and pots, beds can be the best of both worlds. You can fill the bed with the specific soil of your choice, which might have better consistency and fewer weeds than the existing soil in your back yard. The high walls help deter outside grasses from creeping in. Some people even build their beds higher up on legs so they don’t have to bend or squat.


The options for constructing a raised bed are limited only by your imagination. Think outside the box! Find and reuse items around your yard. Iʻve used banana stumps, which aren’t very long lasting, but have an attractive tropical look—and finding a use for extra banana stems is a good way to practice sustainability.

You can also purchase boards, bricks, and many other materials. Personally, I find it easiest to use 2”x6” borate-treated lumber, which can be cut to the desired length at the store. Many people make 4’ wide beds, but I like 3’ because it's easier for me to reach the middle. If you have access from only one side, you might consider making them only 2’ wide.

The deeper your bed, the better, so the roots can have space. For most vegetables, 6” clearance over existing soil or 12” on top of concrete or hardscape is adequate. You’ll need more depth for daikon, carrots, gobo, and other vegetables with long roots.

A note on safety: Borate-treated lumber is considered safe for use in the garden. But please be careful of older materials, which may have been treated with chromium, arsenic, creosote, lead paint, or other toxic contaminants. Or you could go with untreated lumber, which will still last for some time but may host termites.


Raised beds may require less frequent watering than containerized plants, since there’s more soil volume. They also provide a structure where you can conveniently set up a simple irrigation system.

You can use an irrigation timer to reduce the amount of time you spend watering. An easy way is to add a hose-end timer connected to your hose bib, then with compression fittings connect to ½” flexible black plastic tubing. You then add spray or drip emitters, or drip tubing off the ½” line, with ¼” tubing to connect them all. As I write this, City Mill has all of those necessary supplies. A timer is especially helpful as we get into summer, since some plants (such as kale) might like a twice-daily watering to deal with the heat.


For raised beds, I prefer a mixture of clay topsoil and compost. Both are local products. Some gardeners have a prejudice against using clay, but it has excellent moisture- and nutrient-retaining qualities. Compost helps to improve drainage, aeration, and the physical qualities of the soil, while also improving its biological and chemical properties.

Topsoil and locally-produced compost can be purchased in bags from a garden shop. If you want greater quantities at excellent prices, try going directly to producers such as Hawaiian Earth Recycling or Island Topsoil. Look for a garden blend, which may be roughly 40% topsoil and 60% compost. This mix is ready to plant in. Over the months, the soil blend will shrink as the compost decomposes, so youʻll periodically need to dig in more compost (I like to do this before new plantings).

Of course, you could fill the raised bed entirely with potting mix instead, but I feel that if you’re going to use that many cubic yards’ worth, it’s more sustainable to use locally sourced clay topsoil and compost.

To add nutrients, I prefer to add a bag of composted chicken manure, up to 5% of the raised bed’s total volume. If you don’t want to deal with manure, simply add your preferred fertilizer, and you’re ready to plant.

Protecting our environment

When growing over a hardscape, make sure the drainage is directed straight toward your yard’s existing soil and landscape plants, rather than off your property and into the storm drain. Water leaching from your soil will carry plant nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, which pollute streams and the ocean by encouraging algae growth.

Happy gardening! I’m sure you’ll have some successes and failures, but learn from them and don’t give up.

Kalani Matsumura, Cooperative Extension Service and Master Gardener Program, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources