Impact Statements

Beginning in 2020, UH Cooperative Extension will annually publish a sample of impact statements written by educators and specialists which highlight successful programs representing Extension educational initiatives. The programs described in these publications demonstrate the positive results or outcomes Extension makes in the lives of the residents of Hawaii.

Protect/Manage Natural Resources/Environment
- Developing a Place-Based Curriculum to Increase Workforce Skills in Hawaii’s Green Industry

Diversified Tropical Agricultural Systems
- Bridging the Food Safety ‘GAP’ in Hawaii
- Controlling Melon Fruit Fly Infestations: On-Farm Model
- CTAHR Nutrient Management Team: Doing More by Adding Less
- Evolution of Screenhouses in Hawaii Agriculture
- GoFarm Hawai’i: Growing Hawai’i’s Farmers
- GoFarm Hawai’i: Revitalizing Hawaii Agriculture
- Revitalizing the Declining Hawaii Banana Industry via Statewide Extension Program and Technology Transfer to Local Growers
- Surveying and Mitigating Red Ginger Decline

Biosecurity of Agriculture/Natural Resources
- Coffee Berry Borer Area-Wide Management Provides Substantial Farmer Benefits
- Hawai’i Diamondback Moth Insecticide Resistance Management Program
- Hawai’i Invasive Pest Communication and Networking
- Turfgrass and Landscape Pest Management in Hawaii

Youth/Family/Community Development and Health
- 4-H Seed Camps
- 4-H Junior Master Gardener Program
- Caring for Our Kupuna
- Connectedness as a Response to Address Farmer Mental Health Challenges
- Disaster Preparedness
- Garden to Farm - Creating the Next Generation of Skilled Agriculture Workers
- Grow Eat Think (GET) Local Farm-to-School
- Pivot to Distance Education in Hawaii 4-H
- Preparing Youth for Disasters
- The Children’s Healthy Living Network Multistate

Bioengineering for Agriculture/Natural Resources/Health