Project Is No Lemon 25 July 2018

Project Is No Lemon

CTAHR faculty and Master Gardeners helped Jefferson Elementary students with Project Lemon Tree, which established CO2-reducing trees, an arbor, and student gardens on a campus site vandalized in 2016.

Administrate NIFA 25 July 2018

Administrate NIFA

The Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is looking to fill the position of deputy director of the Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition. The position is currently posted at USA Jobs and on the NIFA website under Careers. All applications must be received by August 9.

Elephant Repellent 20 July 2018

Elephant Repellent

UH Researcher finds honeybee pheromones can safely repel elephants

Insect ecology specialist Mark Wright explains how honeybee pheromones could be a tool for preventing human-elephant conflicts in the July 23 issue of Current Biology.

Looking for the Ideal 19 July 2018

Looking for the Ideal

Need some more (soil) fertility in your life? Sunder S.S. Rajan will be giving a TPSS seminar by entitled “In Search of an Ideal Phosphate- and Sulphate-Containing Fertilizer” in St. John 106 on Monday, July 23, at 1:30 p.m.
Making Life Better in Maui County 19 July 2018

Making Life Better in Maui County

Congratulations to all CTAHR faculty who were successful in the recent Maui County FY19 grant competition! The projects funded included education in reproductive technologies, establishing a trial garden for ornamentals, investigating dispensing pesticides from drones, continuing breadfruit research, and more.

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