PATHway to Success 12 July 2018

PATHway to Success

A JABSOM project that Jon-Paul Bingham (MBBE) is involved with has just been awarded a $19 million grant to fund undergraduate research. He is the director of PATHway to Biomedical Careers, which organizes and oversees student research activities at partnering community colleges and private universities in conjunction with local campus coordinators.
CHL Gets a Cool Couple of Million 12 July 2018

CHL Gets a Cool Couple of Million

The Children’s Healthy Living Program was designated a Center of Excellence and awarded $2.1 million in USDA funding to continue its successful efforts to decrease the prevalence of childhood obesity in the Pacific.

Dealing With Climate Change in Samoa 12 July 2018

Dealing With Climate Change in Samoa

Clay Trauernicht and Patricia Fifita (both NREM) organized the American Samoa Extension Climate Forum with partners at American Samoa Community College (ASCC), similar to the climate forum for Extension personnel that they organized last year at UH. Jonathan Deenik and Jensen Uyeda (both TPSS) also presented and attended.
Fish Stress 12 July 2018

Fish Stress

Andre Seale (HNFAS) co-chaired a session and gave a talk at the 4th University of Hawai‘i–University of Tokyo Joint Symposium on Ocean, Coastal and Atmospheric Sciences hosted by SOEST UH Sea Grant. Fritzie Celino-Brady and Cody Petro-Sakuma, other members of Andre’s lab, also presented at the Symposium.
Running for the Cause 12 July 2018

Running for the Cause

David Christopher (MBBE) joined more than 350 other runners to run the 2018 “Freedom Run 5K” to raise funds for epilepsy education, treatment, and research. He placed 9th overall, with a time of 21:24! Way to go, and way to do good!

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