Don’t Get Sprayed 25 July 2018

Don’t Get Sprayed

If you work with pesticides on the Big Island, consider going to one of the upcoming iterations of the “Proper Pesticide Use and Safety Federal Worker Protection Standard Workshop,” jointly sponsored by CTAHR and the HDOA, to learn about proper pesticide use and safety. 

To Market, to Market, to Sell a Fat Pig 25 July 2018

To Market, to Market, to Sell a Fat Pig

Calling all pork scholars! The National Pork Board is now accepting applications for the new Agricultural Marketing Fellowship. Up to three students will be selected for fellowships of $20,000 each, spread over two academic years. All submission materials must be received by the National Pork Board by August 8. 

Elephant Repellent 25 July 2018

Elephant Repellent

Mark Wright is lead author of a recent study that describes how elephants can be safely deterred from entering areas where they might do damage: with honeybee pheromones! Another research project Mark is involved in with more local applications is the use of pheromones as control agents for agricultural pests in Hawai‘i.


Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer 25 July 2018

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer

This past weekend, associate Extension agent Andrea Kawabata dove in a spearfishing event to gather roi, ta‘ape, and to‘au for research into fish disease, age, and reproductive status, as well as the impact of these species on the reef. Over 210 pounds of fish was then donated to Big Island farmers for compost and compost-tea fertilizers. 

Extension Excellence 25 July 2018

Extension Excellence

The college’s Extension agents recently got some well-deserved props in a laudatory article in Hawai‘i Magazine. The article focuses on Andrea Kawabata, Glen Fukumoto, and Jari Sugano, painting a picture of skilled, dedicated, and enthusiastic Extension workers making a huge difference in Island agriculture—one farm visit, variety trial, or workshop at a time.



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