Tools for Soil 19 July 2018

Tools for Soil

Susan Crow’s (NREM) project “Putting the Farmer in the Driver’s Seat: Integrative Web Tool for Improved Soil Health and Carbon Assessment, Monitoring, and Planning” just won one of three grants from NIFA’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative for soil and nitrogen data tools.
Shocked Into Exercise 19 July 2018

Shocked Into Exercise

Hua Zan’s paper on the impact of a spouse’s health shock on one's own activity levels won the Richard L.D. Morse Applied Consumer Economics Award at the national conference of American Council on Consumer Interests.

SURF-ing in Montreal 19 July 2018

SURF-ing in Montreal

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Elizabeth Winnicki presented her work on the genetic diversity of ‘uala (sweet potato) at the American Society of Plant Biologists’ 2018 Plant Biology Conference in Montreal.

Better Bread and Brew 19 July 2018

Better Bread and Brew

Alan Martin—the first student pursuing a culinology degree through a 2+2 Kapi‘olani Community College+CTAHR food science program—is already putting his education to work as a baker at the Kahala Hotel and Resort.

For the Birds 19 July 2018

For the Birds

Melissa Price (NREM, left) was one of the scientists who participated in the live broadcast of Hawai‘i Public Radio’s Science Friday filmed at the Hawaii Theatre Center in Honolulu, where she discussed efforts to engage school children with science and conservation efforts, including her recent Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds.

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