For the Bees 19 July 2018

For the Bees

Scott Nikaido and Ethel Villalobos (both PEPS) were featured in a Ka Leo article on the class on beekeeping that they teach, Beekeeping in the Tropics: Introduction to Honeybee Health and Management. It is offered through the UH Manoa Outreach College, though Scott hopes to offer classes for credit at UH in the future.
GoFind GoFarmers 19 July 2018

GoFind GoFarmers

GoFarm Hawai‘i has officially launched its GoFarmer Profile Series! You can visit the website to read profile pages containing GoFarmer business and product information and to watch the participants’ candid and funny video interviews.
Chocolate Delights 19 July 2018

Chocolate Delights

CTAHR alumnus Benjamin Vanegtern’s Puna Chocolate company uses cacao that he and his partner Adam cultivate, flavored with locally produced flavors including chili pepper, black sea salt, coconut and macadamia.

The Start of an Exciting Career 19 July 2018

The Start of an Exciting Career

MBBE alumnus Zhibin (Ben) Liang will be starting his post-doctoral career at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, continuing the research on Alzheimer’s disease that has already garnered him success. Best of luck to Ben in his future endeavors!
Roger Vargas 19 July 2018

Roger Vargas

We are saddened to report the sudden loss of collaborator, alumnus, and PEPS affiliate professor Roger Vargas, a research entomologist at the USDA’s Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center in Hilo. After earning his doctorate from CTAHR, Roger became an internationally renowned expert in the biological control of fruit flies.

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