Tilapia Teach Environmental Adaptation 1 August 2018

Tilapia Teach Environmental Adaptation

Andre Seale and his co-PI have been awarded a grant of $348,400 by the National Science Foundation in support of their project, “Collaborative Research: Identifying Osmosensitive Molecular Targets Using a Unique Vertebrate Model.”
WAM Comes to CTAHR 1 August 2018

WAM Comes to CTAHR

Members of the State Senate Ways and Means (WAM) Committee took a whirlwind tour of CTAHR on July 16 and 17 to check out the many initiatives and projects the college is working on and to learn what it needs to do its work better and reach more people.
4-H Has Fun With Bugs 1 August 2018

4-H Has Fun With Bugs

State 4-H leader Jeff Goodwin has produced a short video to highlight the work of the 4-H program “Connect Kids to the Nature,” funded by a grant from the Disney Conservation Fund. It includes fun activities like learning about entomology, insect pheromones, and butterfly gardens at the O‘ahu Urban Garden Center.
What to Do About the Vog 1 August 2018

What to Do About the Vog

An Extension bulletin by Scot Nelson (TPSS) and Associate Dean of Extension Kelvin Sewake, “Volcanic Emissions Injury to Plant Foliage,” was quoted and recommended in a recent Big Island Now article. The bulletin is all too relevant to those living in areas of the Big Island affected by the opening of the new vents on Kīlauea Volcano.
The Value of Life 25 July 2018

The Value of Life

All are invited to attend a presentation by Jonathan Latham on “Biotechnology, Agrichemicals, and the Value of Life” on Thursday, August 2, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. It will be held at the Hālau ‘o Haumea at the Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies. 


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