Bleak to Chic

HGN and FETCH host a family-friendly Earth Day event

Bleak to Chic

by Kaylee Cordeiro

Don’t throw away your trash just yet. On April 22, at Hale Tuahine in Mānoa Valley, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) groups HGN and FETCH held various activities and learning opportunities for the community in honor of Earth Day. 

They took seemingly mundane objects brought by participants, such as egg cartons, and repurposed them to foster the beginning of new family gardens. Additionally, kids had the opportunity to participate in a scavenger hunt, and families and community members could purchase baked goods. The proceeds went towards fundraising.

CTAHR students and community members alike enjoyed the festivities that took place. Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) student, Kylie Maemori-Yoshida, said, “It was an enjoyable Earth Day in Mānoa with the children and families in the community…They loved the hands-on activities we had, one of which included learning about compost and seeing worms”.

To read more about the event, click here

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