CTAHR & City Mill

Extension’s garden education is a hit with the community

CTAHR & City Mill

“Basic Planting Guidelines” was anything but academic for the packed house of community members at City Mill’s recent garden education program.

Led by Extension’s Tina Lau and the Master Gardeners, it encouraged home gardeners to be plant detectives, able to observe and diagnose their plant problems and to introduce the O'ahu Master Gardener Helpline as a resource online, via the telephone, or in-person. It was the latest example of CTAHR and City Mill working together to promote more food production in the state, as well as raise awareness and heighten the availability of garden products locally. 

“Tina, you were wonderful today and half the attendees stopped me to thank us for having you speak today!” said Shannan Okinishi of City Mill. “They loved the knowledge you shared today and thank you for staying longer to speak with them individually.”

Shannon requested that Tina share her presentation deck so City Mill could email it to attendees and include on their website. She also invited Extension back for additional educational seminars in other City Mill locations.

“We’ve gotten feedback on our social media with requests for more workshops/seminars in other stores (specifically Waianae),” Shannon continued. “I’d love to start talking about ways we can collaborate closer together to get your team out in the public at our stores. It fits wonderfully with our values & goals of being a resource as well as a gathering place for our communities.”

Jari Sugano added, “For more than 100 years, City Mill and CTAHR have dedicated their organizations toward service of local families and communities. Definitely interested in working on more collaborative projects with City Mill to increase our impact on Hawaiʻi’s green, urban garden, and food production industries. City Mill is a dedicated partner and generous donor to Extension programs, and has made a huge impact in the ag community, as well.”

The Oʻahu Master Gardener Program website is the go-to place for further information and events. 
