Banquet is Two Weeks Away

You can support the CTAHR Student Scholarship Fund

Banquet is Two Weeks Away

Want to play your part in supporting the CTAHR Student Sponsorship Fund? Then stop reading this article and hit this link CTAHR ‘Ohana Banquet to buy your tickets.

The biggest social event of the year for CTAHR faculty, staff, alumni, supporters, and students will be held on the 5th floor Generations Ballroom of the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaiʻi, just a few minutes from UHM campus. Festivities and cocktails will begin at 4:00 p.m., dinner and program at 5:30 – and all pau by 8:00 p.m.

Please RSVP ASAP online here. As always, all Banquet proceeds benefit the CTAHR Student Sponsorship Fund. You can also support the fund with plenty of sponsorship opportunities on the same RSVP page. 

In additon to fun and friendship, the CTAHR ‘Ohana Banquet is an opportunity to recognize the deserving recipients of the Dean’s Awards for Excellence. Please join us in honoring this evening:

  • Marisa Wall, Ka Lei Hano Award
  • Fred Lau, Honorary Outstanding Alumnus Award
  • Mahealani Kaneshiro, Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Jonathan Deenik, Excellence in Research Award
  • The Banana Bunchy Top Virus Team, Excellence in Extension Award
  • Andre Seale, Ka Pouhana (Mentorship) Award
  • Lauren Miyashiro, Outstanding APT Staff
  • Dayle Tsuha, Outstanding Civil Service Staff
  • Bea Sailer, Outstanding Volunteer
  • Roshan Paudel, Ka Po‘okela (Graduate Student) Award
  • Kasey Purcell, Ka Po‘okela (Undergraduate Student) Award
Categories: CTAHR Home Page