Aquaculture Development

CTSA’s latest newsletter focuses on funding priorities

Aquaculture Development

Dr. Cheng-Sheng Lee, Executive Director of the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture, is preparing to leave for San Diego and WAS Aquaculture 2022, to be held in-person this year.

In the meantime, he encourage us to “please start thinking about regional funding priorities for the next development cycle.” CTSA will release an official request for FY22 funding priorities input next month, but welcomes your feedback at any time by email mbrooks@ctsa.org with your suggestions on what is important for aquaculture development in our region and why.

Cheng et al. will review the input from industry stakeholders and release CTSA’s FY22 Request for Pre-Proposals in May. The goal, as always, is to bring together species, technologies and ideas that can help bring about a more sustainable era of aquatic food production.

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