ʻTis the Season for Food Security

Donate your canned goods for our hungry students

ʻTis the Season for Food Security

Food insecurity was a reality for many UH students long before Covid. And just because you donʻt see it, doesnʻt mean it hasnʻt gotten worse during the pandemic.

But thanks to the super-popular FoodStack run by the Academic and Student Affairs Office, our super-appreciative undergrad and grad students just need to pop into the CTAHR Student Lounge and grab what they need. Students even have the option to take ingredients home to cook up later.

The food largely comes from donations, so the next time you’re out grocery shopping, consider picking up a little extra for the FoodStack. ASAO will accept shelf-stable, individually-wrapped canned goods or pantry items.

Since 2018, the CTAHR Student Lounge, located in the first floor of Gilmore Hall, has continually provided our students with a place to study, a space to engage with their peers, and an eating area complete with a kitchenette and pantry to ensure open access to food. Mahalo for your support.

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