Seeding Solutions

Up to 10 awards, ranging from $300K to $1M, are available

Seeding Solutions

Got a novel research concept that may connect unique partners across various industries? Pioneering research that will solve pressing challenges in the food and agriculture industry?

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research is accepting pre-proposal applications for the 2021 cycle of its Seeding Solutions competitive grant program.

“Here is an excellent grant opportunity for research support in six critical challenge areas: Soil Health, Sustainable Water Management, Next Generation Crops, Advanced Animal Systems, Urban Food Systems, and Health-Agriculture Nexus,” says Walter Bowen, CTAHR Associate Dean for Research.

“The deadline to submit pre-proposals is March 10,” Walter adds. “Note the 1:1 matching requirement. If you’re interested in this opportunity, I’ll be happy to discuss options for the matching requirement anytime.”

FFAR encourages applications from Land Grant and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions.

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