An Experience to Remember

  • 7 March 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7013
An Experience to Remember

CTAHR engaged with nearly 500 of the 1,300 students, teachers, and members of the community who attended Manoa Experience 2018. Mahalo to the 50-plus CTAHR faculty, students, and staff members who came out on Saturday to this open house event for prospective students, both local and from the mainland. Highlights of the CTAHR line-up included a tour of Jon-Paul Bingham’s (MBBE) cone snail laboratory, a competitive mini golf tournament, a succulent giveaway for potential future horticulturists, a little lamb from Animal Sciences who stole the show, and many more amazing displays of what CTAHR has to offer. In an effort to combat declining enrollment at UH, everyone was invited to learn about the impact CTAHR has made on Hawai‘i’s political, environmental, and economic landscape, and the next generation of problem-solvers was welcomed to grow with us. 

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