With Much Gratitude

Maui County presents 2023 Administrator Awards

With Much Gratitude

By Cindy Reeves

The last year has been an especially challenging one for Maui County, and even more so for Molokaʻi, due to Ag Tech and Secretary shortages, fiscal purchasing barriers, theft of equipment, difficult neighbors, the search and addition of two new faculty, an unsigned lease with DHHL, transitional leadership within CTAHR, and last but not least, the sudden UHMC commitment changes related to the Molokaʻi Farm, which led CTAHR to vacate the farm and consolidate our efforts at our office location. 

Through it all, Jennifer Hawkins has steadfastly addressed every task at hand, and provided the on-island leadership that was needed to move CTAHR forward through all this turbulent transition. This was in addition to other issues she had to contend with throughout the year.

Jennifer continued moving forward through the mountain of chaos and frustration with incredible grace and humility. In my honest opinion, none of the progress on Molokaʻi this year would have been possible without her stepping up and leading the way. I am personally incredibly grateful for her initiative, her efforts, and her commitment to making CTAHR on Molokaʻi the absolute best it can be in serving the community!

By Nancy Ooki

The last year has been an especially challenging one due to staff shortages. This has greatly impacted our ability to process fiscal-related paperwork. The burden placed on Kassie Bode grew each month and reached an apex in June when Clarisse retired. No support help had been hired, and the secretary on Moloka‘i had still not been replaced. In addition, she had other issues to contend with.

Through it all, Kassie took on the challenges head on and with a fairly calm approach. She did not redirect her frustration at any colleagues or the office environment. She was willing to answer a question when interrupted (mostly by me probably) and still able to laugh. We really appreciate how much she stepped up this year, very quickly, and how she has taken on her new role with grace. I am grateful for her support and truly could not do all I do without it.
