Coffee Conference

CTAHR will co-host discussions on pest and disease

Coffee Conference

The ‘coffee berry borer’ and newly discovered ‘coffee leaf rust’ are two of today’s biggest threats to Hawaiʻi’s commercial agriculture industry.

Tune into Zoom on April 16-17, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., as CTAHR and the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service team up to present the two-day “Coffee Berry Borer and Coffee Leaf Rust Conference 2021.”

Farmers, researchers, Extension, and other Ag professionals will share their knowledge on managing the various coffee pest and disease issues. Topics include: CBB and CLR management, CLR monitoring, biological control, cultural practices, nematode management, new technology, and an intro to the Best Beans app.

Register now. For questions, please contact Roseann Leiner.

Categories: CTAHR Home Page

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