Ag Day @ the Capitol

Let lawmakers know your accomplishments and needs

Ag Day @ the Capitol

It lasts just two hours and happens just once a year, but this is your chance to let members of the Hawaii State Senate and House of Representatives know what you’ve been up to, and how our legislators can help you help feed the state.

The 2024 Agriculture Awareness Day, formerly “Ag Day at the Capitol,” will be held Thursday, Feb. 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the state capitol building on Beretania Ave.

Sponsored by the Hawaii Farm Bureau, it’s being co-hosted by Reps. Cedric Gates and Kristin Kahaloa and Sens. Mike Gabbard and Tim Richards, Chairs and Vice Chairs of the House and Senate Agricultural Committees, respectively.

The event “is an opportunity for policymakers and the public to learn about Hawaii’s agricultural industry and meet many of the organizations and people who supply us with locally grown and produced products,” Kaelin Sylva of HFB notes. “Ag Day at the Capitol aims to enhance grassroots efforts to support agriculture throughout the islands through interactive, educational exhibits that engage policymakers and the community. The exhibits will address various topics regarding Hawaii agriculture to foster a greater understanding of the industry and educate attendees on its present challenges.”

Register now to be an exhibitor. For questions, contact Kaelin at kaelin@hfbf.org or (808) 848-2074. 
