Change in NREM Presentation

Learn About Waterbirds and Conservation Practices Online

  • 23 March 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5436
Change in NREM Presentation

The NREM online presentation by Dr. Daniel Nohrstedt on climate change resilience, the most recent installment in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management seminar series, has been cancelled. Luckily, in place of it, NREM grad student Kristen Harmon will present "Hawaiian Waterbirds: Indigenous Resource Management in Conservation” at the same time. That’s Wednesday, March 25, from 3:30 to 4:20 p.m.

Conservation practices based on social-ecological frameworks, such as Indigenous Resource Management (IRM), have shown success over exclusionary conservation practices, as they are more likely to encompass working landscapes and the people in them. Kristen Harmon will discuss her research examining the potential for Indigenous Hawaiian flooded-field agroecosystems, or lo‘i, to aid in the recovery of endangered Hawaiian waterbirds. Using existing GIS layers to spatially and quantitatively map the area of potential waterbird habitat in Hawai‘i likely to be lost due to sea-level rise, her research demonstrates an urgent need for conservation actions and policies that are inclusive of both humans and waterbirds.

Join in by Zoom using this link, or call in  +1 669 900 6833 US. Meeting ID: 294 386 624.


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