New Summer II Class

Sign up for Terrestrial and Marine Mammal Management

New Summer II Class

It’s not too late to add a course to your Summer II 2021 session load, and what better addition than “Topics in NREM: Terrestrial and Marine Mammal Regulation, Science, and Management” from the Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Management.

#491/691 is appropriate for graduate students and upper-level undergrads studying natural resource and environmental management, biology, marine biology, environmental policy, or related fields.

Students will learn about applied terrestrial and marine mammal conservation and management principles, and the complex framework of regulatory, scientific, and often-conflicting stakeholder interests under which management and conservation actions are developed and implemented. Students will have the opportunity to learn directly from professionals in industry, state, and federal systems who are actively engaged in developing and implementing management plans and conservation programs.

Synchronous internet sessions will include interactive lectures with the professor and with leading industry professionals at state and federal agencies, marine mammal research and conservation organizations, and zoological and aquarium institutions.

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