Positioned for Growth

Thesis explores a clonal rootstock program for cacao in Hawaiʻi

Positioned for Growth

Sizewise, our cacao industry is but a tiny sliver of the five million metric tonnes (MT) of dried cacao beans produced globally in 2017. But our emerging reputation for “fine flavor” cacao (used to make high-value craft chocolate that commands a much higher $$$ price) means acreage in Hawaiʻi could increase significantly over the next five years.

On August 10 at 9:00 a.m., Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences student Maxwell Breen will explore the initiation of a clonal rootstock program for cacao. The propagation of elite planting materials for cacao cultivation in Hawaiʻi, he argues, is an area that could be improved and optimized.

Find out more: attend Maxwell’s Zoom presentation, “Improving propagative practices and materials for the emerging cacao industry in Hawaiʻi.”

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