Preparing for your Advising Appointment
Students are expected to:
- Be courteous & plan ahead (schedule appointments early & cancel or reschedule if necessary).
- Be an active participant in identifying your educational goal(s) & creating an academic plan.
- Come to academic appointments prepared with questions and/or other topics for discussion.
- Become knowledgeable of university procedures, policies, and deadlines.
- Monitor your academic progress by using advising tools such as STAR, the schedule of classes, and the university catalog.
- Read your email and check your MyUH portal regularly for announcements and information.
- Schedule advising appointments every semester as required or when in need of assistance.
- Accept responsibility for all your decisions and actions
Advisors are located on the first floor of Gilmore Hall which is located on Maile Way across from Spalding Hall and Hamilton Library. Look for the butterfly on the building (to the left of the stairs) and enter through the doors below it.