
Upcoming Closures 🚫 

Friday, February 28: Advisors at AATN Conference at Honolulu Community College

Wednesday, March 26: Prince Kūhiō Day

Important Dates 🚨

March 28: Deadline to drop a course with "W" grade. No refund.

Prospective Students

Prospective students interested in learning more about undergraduate academic programs and student opportunities available within the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR, pronounced "see-tar") are encouraged to schedule an appointment with one of our Academic and Student Affairs Office staff.


Prospective Student Appointments

If you are a current UHM student who wants to update their major to a major within CTAHR, please send an email request to ctahradv@hawaii.edu.

All other students can email asao1@hawaii.edu to schedule an appointments for:

  • General questions about the college
  • General information about student life at the university
  • Highlights regarding CTAHR Majors
  • CTAHR Scholarships
  • Information about CTAHR student engagement opportunities


Academic Advising

Academic Advisors meet with new and current CTAHR undergraduate students. Advising is mandatory for students with less than 60 earned credits, new students, and graduating students. Appointments are required. 

Please email ctahradv@hawaii.edu for any academic advising related questions. Helpful answers to commonly asked questions can be found on our Facts & FAQ page

If you are a current UHM student who wants to update their major to a major within CTAHR, please send an email request to ctahradv@hawaii.edu.


New and Current Student Advising Appointments

Schedule appointments via STAR Balance by clicking the blue "Schedule an Appointment" button and signing in with your UH username and password. Appointments are meant to discuss the following:

  • Academic planning and general advising
  • Mandatory advising
  • Graduation checks and applying for graduation
  • Suspension, Probation, or Academic Warning advisement









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Express Advising / Drop-in Advising 

When: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (except holidays)
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. HST*

Click on the light blue "Balance Express Appointments" button for quick questions with:

  • General questions
  • Clarifying requirements
  • Registration errors, issues, and guidance
  • Quick referrals

*Time subject to change without notice based on advisor availability.   



Sign in is active only during indicated days and times. 


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CTAHR University of Hawaii